What I Do, Briefly:

Studio shot by Christian Johnson.
My work is deeply rooted in theatricality and questions of performativity. I embrace the temporal and physical challenges of live performance in a process that is centered on the use of the use of body and its relationship to text/discourse. I highly value collaboration across disciplines and with others. While maintaining theatricality, my work is often collage or kaleidoscope-like, consistently bending aesthetic boundaries. I work to maintain a safe space where all collaborators voices are heard in an effort to find the heart or center of a piece, what it's trying to be and say. Composers, poets, visual artists, are my frequent collaborators. I am excited by work that challenges us to problem solve, to think, to recategorize or decategorize, to give our hearts over to others and risk them being broken.
My interests in aesthetics, symbolism, process, and systems has been synthesized in a love and deep engagement in cultural anthropology. Anthropology has deepened my understanding of performance as a vital part of society and a tool for cross-cultural communication and has shaped my rigorous research process. My practice aims to map out points of theoretical intersections in the effort to create a new praxis where performance theories meet in an embodied practice of questions, in the hopes of diving deeply into performance.
My interests tend to revolve around the representation of gender, class, race, religion, and other identity constructions in theater and dance, feminism in performance across cultures, and political performance. And humor. I'm very serious about my humor.